As the leading Aeromedical Accreditation Institute EURAMI is a strong advocate for Excellence among aeromedical transport providers.
EURAMI – promoting Excellence
EURAMI is a renowned indicator for Quality in Aero-Medical Transportation, accrediting providers all around the globe.
EURAMI – promoting Quality
EURAMI’s standards and procedures increase Saftey in Aero-Medical Transportation, making it a key component when it comes to working with aeromedical providers.
EURAMI – promoting Safety
The European Aero-Medical Institute
The European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI e.V.), established in 1992 as a non-profit organization, is a global leader in aeromedical standards and accreditation. Based in Cologne, Germany, EURAMI represents over 60 member companies from five continents, all specializing in aeromedical transport. Its work is supported by a worldwide network of high profile auditors.
EURAMI is committed to enhancing patient safety and clinical governance through its accreditation programs, which encompass Fixed Wing, Commercial Airline Medical Escort, and Rotary Wing services. Over the years, EURAMI has developed best practice standards that are widely recognized by the travel industry and international organizations as benchmarks of excellence in aeromedical transport.

EURAMI standards
Our standards are the heart of our mission to promote Excellence, Quality & Safety in Aero-Medical Transportation. EURAMI standards are updated regularly to reflect developments and changes within the industry. Our standrads are available for Fixed Wing Air Ambulance, Rotary Wing Air Ambulance & Comercial Airline Medical Escort.