
EURAMI strives to be the global leader in aeromedical accreditation by establishing the highest standards of excellence, quality, safety, and innovation. Our vision ensures that patients receive exceptional care throughout every aspect of air medical transport.


EURAMI is committed to advancing patient safety and care quality by offering comprehensive accreditation for aeromedical services worldwide. Through stringent evaluation processes, ongoing education, and fostering industry collaboration, we champion best practices, drive innovation, and uphold operational excellence in air medical transport.

The EURAMI Executive Board

European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI) e.V.

The current EURAMI board is composed of seven members who serve as the leadership of the non-profit organization. These industry experts are voted for by the membership and provide their serve on a voluntary basis. The Board is headed by the President and the Vice President.

The EURAMI Executive Board

Dr. Cai Glushak

The EURAMI Executive Board

Mr. Philipp Schneider
Vice President

The EURAMI Executive Board

Mr. Mark Chapman
Board Member

The EURAMI Executive Board

Ms. Franziska Hollenstein
Board Member

The EURAMI Executive Board

Mrs. Lisa Humphries
Board Member

The EURAMI Executive Board

Dr. Simon Forrington
Board Member

The EURAMI Executive Board

Dr. Bettina Vadera
Board Member


The EURAMI Executive Board

Eva Kluge, MBA
Managing Director

The EURAMI Executive Board

Dr. Michael Braida
Chief Auditor

The Executive Board holds meetings
every two weeks in addition to two
physical meetings per year.
Its main objectives are:

  • Supervise the daily operations & accreditation processes
  • Validate primary accreditation, re-accreditation and secondary audit reports
  • Execute and monitor the organizations activities in accordance with its statutes
  • Discuss, define and execute the corporate strategy for short, medium- and long-term goals
  • Lobby national and international bodies for the advancement of quality in aeromedical transportation
  • Promote research in aeromedical transport
  • Lobby clients, hospitals and medical facilities on the importance of high-quality transportation in the aeromedical field
  • Support the expansion and development of the organization on behalf of its members
  • Represent the organization on a global scale

The Organization

The European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI) e.V. is a non profit organization with its base in Cologne, Germany. The Organization is owned by its members and led by the Executive Board. The daily operations are managed by the Managing Director. The audits are supervised by the Chief Auditor, the Managing Director and the Board.

The Organization follows its standards in accordance with German Law and is dedicated to its mission to improve quality, excellence and safety in aeromedical transportation.

The General Assembly is held once a year during the International Travel Insurance Conference (ITIC) Global. All members are invited to attend.

History & Evolution

The European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI) e.V. has a more than 25 year long history and is one of the oldest global accreditation companies. The founding meeting that lead to the creation of EURAMI was held on the 8th of September 1992 in Frankfurt/Main in Germany.

On that date 22 medical air rescue experts from over ten European countries created a Special Advisory Board dedicated to air rescue operations.

The advisory board’s objective was to create a expert working group which was focused on the medical component of air rescue operations. The mission and vision was to create a scientifically oriented institution with an emphasis on the practical aspects of air medical transfer.

Its main objective were:

  • Training
  • Research
  • Information & documentation
  • Standardisation
  • Logistics & operations

The organization was first registered as” a European economic community of Interests” on the 11th of February 1993 in Brussels, Belgium and has since extended its mission to a global scale.

One year later the organization was officially founded as a registered association in Germany.

It was formally recognized since August 11, 1994 as an association in the “official register of companies and associations” in the legal jurisdiction of Nürtingen, Germany.
EURAMI’s name went through several changes throughout the years but its final and current was voted during the 11th EURAMI Meeting in Prague on October 16, 1998. The European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI) e.V. was born.

Most of the main objectives which were discussed during the founding meeting are still in the mission and scope of EURAMI. While EURAMI has gained worldwide recognition and has positioned itself as the leader in aero-medical accreditation it still stands by its core mission values:

  • The promotion of high quality, safe aeromedical transportation in Rotary Wing, Fixed Wing and Commercial Airline Medical Escort transfers
  • Standardize processes and increase quality by developing and publishing Industry Standards
  • Serve as a base of knowlegde and guidance for all aspects of aeromedical transporation
  • Promote, support and accredit aeromedical operators who fullfill the standards of the organization
  • Educate, research and support the development in the field of aeromedical transportation

EURAMI Providers

EURAMI’s provider pool consists of more than 50 market leaders in aero-medical transportation with a global reach and bases on five continents. Find your EURAMI accredited provider amongst our membership by clicking on the button below.