Application for EURAMI Accreditation

European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI) e.V.

Please fill out the below form to apply for Accreditation. Please note that only aeromedical programs who fulfill the Eligibility Criteria in the designated category can apply for Registration for Accredited Provider Membership.

Accredited Provider Membership will only be awarded after the program has successfully passed the Application for Registration and the Primary Accreditation Audit in their designated category. For more information please click here.

    Company Information

    Personal Information

    Type of Business
    1. I confirm that I have reviewed the Eligibility Criteria.*

    2. I confirm that I acknowledge that it is up to the discretion of the EURAMI Executive Board to approve the Application for Registration for Accreditation. I understand that Membership for Accredited Providers is only being awarded to programs which have successfully passed the Primary Accreditation Audit. *

    3. I hereby confirm the use of my data according to the Privacy Policy and I agree to be contacted by EURAMI.*