Application for EURAMI Membership

European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI) e.V.

    Registration Ordinary Membership

    Please fill out the below form to apply for Ordinary Membership. Please note that only natural persons who are not affiliated with an EURAMI accredited provider can apply for Ordinary Membership. For more information please click here

    1. I confirm that I acknowledge that it is up to the discretion of the EURAMI Executive Board to award Ordinary Membership. I hereby confirm the use of my data according to the Privacy Policy and I agree to be contacted by EURAMI.*

      Registration Associate Membership

      Please fill out the below form to apply for Associate Membership. Please note that only natural persons who are affiliated with an EURAMI accredited provider can apply for individual membership. For more information please click here

      1. I confirm that I acknowledge that it is up to the discretion of the EURAMI Executive Board to award Associate Membership. I hereby confirm the use of my data according to the Privacy Policy and I agree to be contacted by EURAMI.*

        Registration Professional Membership

        Please fill out the below form to apply for Professional Membership.
        For more information please click here

        1. I confirm that I acknowledge that it is up to the discretion of the EURAMI Executive Board to award Professional Membership. I hereby confirm the use of my data according to the Privacy Policy and I agree to be contacted by EURAMI.*

          Registration Corporate Membership

          Please fill out the below form to apply for Corporate Membership. Please note that only legal entities who are not an aero-medical program can apply for Corporate Membership. For more information please click here

          1. Address of Company

          2. Type of business*

          1. I confirm that I acknowledge that it is up to the discretion of the EURAMI Executive Board to award Corporate Membership. I hereby confirm the use of my data according to the Privacy Policy and I agree to be contacted by EURAMI.*

          Ordinary Membership

          An Ordinary member is a natural person of any country, whose membership, in virtue of their expertise, experience, influence or other significance possessed by the member, is expected to promote and support the Association’s purpose. Applications for admissions as an Ordinary Member are submitted via the designated form and will be reviewed by the EURAMI Executive Board for Approval.

          Associate Membership

          An Associate member is any natural person of any country who is affiliated with an Accredited EURAMI Member or Corporate Member. Associate Members are expected to promote and support the Association’s purpose. There may be more than one associate member from an accredited or corporate EURAMI member. Applications for admissions as an Associate Member are submitted via the designated form and will be reviewed by the EURAMI Executive Board for Approval.

          Corporate Membership

          A Corporate member is a legal entity of any country, who, in virtue of their business practice is interested in the expertise, experience, influence, or other significance that EURAMI possesses. Corporate Members are expected to promote and support the Association’s purpose. Corporate Membership is only applicable to companies who are not an aero-medical program or offer aero-medical services. Applications for admissions as a Corporate Member are submitted via the designated form and will be reviewed by the EURAMI Executive Board for Approval.


          Learn more about our different types of membership, our fees and why you should become a member of EURAMI


          Thinking about applying for accreditation or already planning your re-accreditation? Click here for more information on eligibility, procedures and fees


          Are you looking for a high quality, safe and excellent provider? Click here to access our accredited provider network


          Want to hear about whom we have recently accredited and what EURAMI has been up to recently? Read through our latest news and updates by clicking here