EURAMI recognizes that the aeromedical industry has a weighty responsibility in meeting the challenge of coronavirus. The aeromedical community embraces its role in continuing to serve all types of patients in need of international and domestic transportation assistance as well as serving the needs of coronavirus patients to the best of its ability. In its effort to support containment of the epidemic while facilitating responsible care of patients and protecting the health of its medical workforce, EURAMI holds its members to the strictest practices of hygiene and international transportation .
Providers who are accredited by EURAMI will be expected to comply in all measures with:
- Rules of healthcare hygiene before, during, and after a patient is transported in their aircraft.
- Respect of all international regulations and country restrictions governing the entry and exit of patients suspected of or having a coronavirus infection. It is expected that EURAMI providers will apprise public health authorities of any plan to repatriate or evacuate a coronavirus patient and obtain approval of the protective measure to be taken.
- Fully inform and prepare all stakeholders involved in the transport of actual or potential coronavirus patients including the sending hospital, all cooperating ground ambulances and the receiving hospital .
- Follow recommended decontamination procedures for the aircraft and vehicles used and ensure all staff in contact with the patient have been properly protected and are safe to return to duty.
- Monitor all staff in contact with the patient during transport for at least 14 days for the development of symptoms.
We will continue to monitor the developing situation and will provide further updates asap.
The EURAMI Board